The Complete Healing Journey

Do you find yourself worrying that your partner will leave you or cheat on you?

Do fears that you are unworthy make you fixate on the idea that you aren’t good enough for strong relationships. Do you find yourself getting angry at your partner when anxious feelings creep in? Do you want to feel safer in your relationships? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you may have an anxious attachment style that causes you to feel a great deal of anxiety over normal relationship activities and behaviors. You cannot relax in the relationships when you have this anxiety, so you miss out on much of the happiness that you could have if you had an insecure attachment style.

Anxious Attachment No More Book will teach you :

- What anxious attachment means and how to tell if you have an anxious attachment.

- The dating patterns that anxious attachment often causes and patterns that you can instill to overcome anxious behaviors.

- How anxious attachment looks in relationships versus how secure attachment looks in relationships.

- The nervous system’s role in your attachment style and how using the way your brain is wired can transform how you engage romantically.

- Scientifically proven ways of resisting your insecure attachment style.

- Dating exercises you can use to break free from some of the anxious thoughts that hold you back.

- How to reshape your attachment style and rewrite the negative thought patterns that feed into that anxious attachment

- Ways to promote self-esteem, intimacy, and autonomy in your life so that you have more confidence and the ability to heal some of your self-doubts that feed your anxiety.

- A logical approach to healing emotional wounds that lessen the joy you feel. And much more ...

In Attachment Styles Mastery Book, you will discover:

- 3 straightforward steps to figure out your attachment style and

- understand the deep-rooted motivations behind your actions

- Why a seemingly happy and generous partner may be privately harboring resentment towards you

- How to identify your partner’s attachment style and avoid unnecessary conflicts due to a difference in needs

- The worst thing you can do when communicating your feelings to your partner, and what you should do instead

- How to finally get over that ex you’ve been hung up on forever, without resorting to rebounds or self-medication

- Why a seemingly happy and generous partner may be privately harboring resentment towards you

And much more ...